Assistant Professor
Department of Government
University of Texas at Austin


a .bib file, with bibkeys in `4characterAuthor 2digitYear - firstWordOfTitle' format


Searchable, in HTML courtesy of JabRef

Scripts, Workflows

a combination of AppleScripts, python, and ruby to aid in some workflows using a iPad and an OS X (Mountain Lion) desktop

Sync selected PDFs from desktop (or cloud) Zotero library with tablet, annotate PDFs on tablet or desktop; daily sync annotated PDFs

take handwritten notes on a tablet, automatically create a searchable Evernote note utilizing handwriting recognition

Write slides/ papers/ notes, etc. and don't be bothered always having to remember to 'send them' to tablet. Designate folders/ file types to always keep most recent copy of on tablet.

other people's data and tools for data management, loosely organized and in no particular order


Noun Project artists

Paper designed by Tom Schott

Blender designed by Simon Child

Scroll designed by Eduardo Souza

Floppy Disk designed by Mike Wirth

Person designed by Antonis Makriyannis

Document designed by Nate Eul

all from The Noun Project

Not cited icons in the public domain